Treatment Journey
Like with a lot of things in life, knowing what to expect in your laser eye surgery journey can make you feel more settled and comfortable. We've outlined a step by step guide for you below to put you at ease while you weigh up your options for treatment.

1. Book your consultation
The first step is to book yourself in for a consultation with us to check if you’re suitable for treatment. You can book online here or by calling us on 0800 988 6390. We have clinic locations in most large UK cities, so you’re sure to be within easy reach of an Ultralase clinic.
2. Check if you’re suitable
At your consultation, our Patient Advisors will perform a series of tests to check if you’re suitable for treatment. The tests and scans will measure your prescription, eye pressure and dryness, and will help us determine whether your eyes are healthy and which treatment will be the best option for you. You will sit down with the optometrist after your scans to discuss how each treatment works, and to talk about exactly what you’re hoping to achieve with vision correction surgery at Ultralase. If the optometrist believes that treatment is a good choice for you, based on your prescription and eye health, we can look at booking you in for your surgeon assessment and treatment!
3. Choose your treatment date
The optometrist will recommend you for whichever treatment they believe is best for you, but these are your eyes and the final decision is up to you. There’s no pressure at Ultralase – you’re free to go away and have a further think about eye surgery after your initial consultation. If you decide that you would indeed like to proceed to treatment, we will book you in for a surgeon assessment so that you can meet your surgeon prior to surgery day, and ask them any questions you may have. This appointment tends to take place around a week before surgery.
4. Surgeon assessment
You will meet your surgeon before your treatment day so that they can check your eyes in person and ensure that they also believe treatment is the best option for you. This is also the perfect opportunity for you to ask any remaining questions you may have about the procedure.
5. Treatment day
If the surgeon is happy to proceed, based on your eye health and prescription, then you will attend the clinic for your surgery day. You should expect to be in the clinic for around 4 hours as you will have preparatory talks with our Patient Advisors, read consent documentation thoroughly, and have final checks performed on your eyes before the surgery takes place. You shouldn’t make any other plans for this day as it’s important for you to rest your eyes and aid a speedy recovery at home.
6. First check-up appointment
If you had LASIK eye surgery, you will need to come in for your first check-up appointment the day after surgery. The optometrist will check for signs of infection and ensure that your eye is healing as expected. If you had LASEK treatment, you will need to come in 3-5 after your surgery. After LASEK treatment, a bandage contact lens is fitted to protect your eye and help it heal (this doesn’t happen with LASIK treatments), so it is at your first check-up appointment that this will be removed. You can also ask the optometrist any further questions you have about the healing process at this appointment.
7. Second and third check-up appointment
7-14 days after your surgery, you will need to come in for another check-up appointment, and then again 1 month on from treatment. These appointments are just to check that your vision is healing as it should be, and most Ultralase laser eye surgery patients are cleared to drive within the first week or two of surgery. The optometrist will assess your eyes for any signs of infection during these check-ups and perform further eye tests to determine if you have 20/20 vision (over 99% of our laser eye surgery patients do!).
8. One month check-up appointment
Around a month after your surgery, you will come in again for a check-up. This appointment is much the same as your previous check-ups and just allows us to check that your vision is good and that your eyes are healing.
9. Final appointment and being discharged
After 3 months have passed, you should come in for your final appointment with us. As this takes place 2 months after we last saw you, it’s a great opportunity to check that you’re still happy with your vision and that everything has healed as expected. If both you and the optometrist are satisfied with your vision, you will be discharged at this appointment.
10. Lifetime Aftercare Guarantee
We offer a guarantee to our laser eye surgery patients that, if deemed medically necessary, we will provide aftercare and laser re-treatment free of charge. This is subject to certain terms, including you having regular eye check-ups with either Ultralase or your opticians every two years following your initial treatment. You will receive further information about our Lifetime Aftercare Guarantee at your consultation.