Laser Eye Surgery FAQ
08 November 2022

Many of our patients have questions regarding laser eye surgery and we are here to assist you with answers to the questions below. We will talk about the common FAQs surrounding laser eye surgery.
How Does Laser Eye Surgery Work?
There are 2 types of laser eye surgery available at Ultralase and they are LASIK and LASEK. LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis) is used to correct myopia or hyperopia (short- and long-sightedness). Before you start your surgery the surgeon will apply anaesthetic eye drops to make sure you don’t feel pain during the procedure. During the surgery, the surgeon will reshape your cornea, and then we will use the laser machine to create the flap then after then the flap has lifted we will apply the second laser to the underlying tissue. . In the end, the flap is replaced after the surgeon reshapes the cornea. The corneal flap seals itself without stitches and heals quickly on its own.
The other type of laser eye surgery is LASEK eye surgery; the recovery time for this is slightly longer than LASIK eye surgery. During LASEK surgery, a dilute alcohol solution is administered to soften the corneal cells. The surgeon will then move the cells aside so they have access to the cornea where the laser is applied. You will need 3-5 days of recovery before your eyes fully heal for the LASEK surgery.
Who Can Have Laser Eye Surgery?
Not everyone can have laser eye surgery; however you are more than likely to be eligible for one if you are over 18 and if your prescription hasn’t changed for more or less the past 2 years. You are also suitable for laser eye surgery if you are not pregnant or breastfeeding due to the hormonal changes therefore it can cause problems to your vision. However we can see patients 3 months after they have given birth or finish breast feeding as the hormone levels will have returned to their normal levels.
How Much Does Laser Eye Surgery Cost?
At Ultralase we charge a fixed price of £1,995 per eye no matter what your prescription is. However, we offer a finance option where you can pay a deposit of £500 and then pay a small amount each month to suit your budget. For example, if you choose to go on the 12 month plan you can pay £145.41 per month per eye, or we have other options 18, 24 or 48 months. For more info please visit our dedicated finance page here.
How Long Does Laser Eye Surgery Last?
Generally, laser eye surgery is permanent, whether it is LASIK or LASEK. However, if your visual requirements change in the future, it is possible to have laser eye surgery more than once. Over time you may notice that your near vision worsens, but that is part of the natural ageing process.
Does Laser Eye Surgery Hurt?
Before the surgery, the surgeon will give you anaesthetic eye drops, so you will not feel pain during the surgery. After the laser eye surgery, your eyes may experience itching or burn but you will be given protective shields to keep you from rubbing your eyes while they heal.
Laser eye surgery is like other surgeries; there is a small risk complication such as infections which causes pain or affects your healing process. If this occurs you should contact your treating clinic right away.
How Long Does Laser Eye Surgery Take?
The laser eye surgery does not take long, only a few seconds for the laser itself, however, you should be prepared to be in the treatment room for 20-30 minutes. You will be expected to be at the clinic on treatment day for up to 4 hours. Throughout the day you will speak to optometrists, patient advisors and have aftercare talks from the clinical team.
Is Laser Eye Surgery Safe?
Laser eye surgery has become one of the common procedures performed in the UK and it is also one of the safest surgeries to have. Your eye health is just as important as body health. Here at Ultralase we will tell inform you if we think you are not suitable for laser eye surgery. We are proud that over 98% of our patients at Ultralase achieve the minimum standard driving vision after having laser eye surgery.
What are the Side Effects of Laser Eye Surgery?
Like any other surgical procedure, after laser eye surgery you may experience some side effects which are normal and common but these will disappear in a short time.
- Vision changes – You may temporarily experience starburst and halos but these are more common if you had a high prescription before treatment.
- Dry eyes – It is common for patients to have dry eyes after laser eye surgery which may cause them to have eye irritation and vision blurring. At Ultralase, we provide you with eye drops for aftercare which eases the dry eye symptoms.
- Eye Infection - Even though it is rare but you can after having laser eye surgery, we advise you to not touch your eyes without washing your hands first and avoid getting water in your eyes in the first couple of weeks to avoid infection.
How Long Does it Take to Recover from Laser Eye Surgery?
Typically, it can take up to 6 months before your eyes fully recover after you had your laser eye surgery. You will have some aftercare appointments to attend to make sure your eyes are in a healthy condition.
We understand you will need to go back to work; we advise you to keep your eyes lubricated with eye drops and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. If you are into sports such as swimming, we recommend keeping away for at least one month to avoid developing an infection in your eyes. It is really important to keep your eyes away from water to make sure they stay healthy.
When Will I See the Results of Laser Eye Surgery?
Normally, if you went for LASIK eye surgery you will start seeing visual results within a day or two after treatment but this varies between people. If you went for the LASEK eye surgery this could take slightly longer compared to LASIK because of the extended healing process caused by the eye’s epithelial cells regrowth.
If you have any questions please contact us at 0800 988 6390 or book your free consultation with us here.
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